Bill Gates has said that Microsoft’s search API is better than Google search API.

CNET News had an interview with Bill Gates and asked him questions about Google and Yahoo.

This is what Bill Gates says:

“With Google, there are rumors about them being interested in that services piece, but they really haven’t done that much. Our search API is way better than their search API. Clearly, they are working in that area. They haven’t done as much on the server piece. They had a Google server, but it was very bad at corporate search. That did not work well at all. That’s the only place where I think they have done any server-type piece. Yahoo doesn’t think of themselves as a platform company. I don’t think you will ever have the Yahoo PDC. Google, because they are in the honeymoon phase, people think that they do all things at all times in all ways”.

According to Bill Gates while Google’s slogan is to organize the world’s information, Microsoft’s slogan is to give people tools to let them organize the world’s information. “It’s a slightly different approach, based on the platform-ization of all of our capabilities and not thinking of ourselves as the organizer”.

He said, “You do me-too Google Talk, and it’s a big deal. But we had our honeymoon phase, and it was fun from maybe 1985 to 1995. And we’ve had lots of competitors in their honeymoon phase. But I’d say, in some ways, this is the biggest honeymoon I’ve ever seen”. [source]





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