Live Webcast from the World Internet Summit in Los Angeles claims to uncover “The Biggest Lie About Internet Marketing.”

On Sunday, September 18th, for those who could not attend WORLD INTERNET SUMMIT in Los Angeles 12 professional marketers will be featured on a Live Webcast where each will share their answer to the question: “What Is The Biggest Lie Being Told About Internet Marketing Right Now?”

The web page states that “A select group of people will join us for an historic webcast that will ask each of 12 top-gun Internet Marketers a question that can save you from being victimized by ruthless marketers willing to sell you simple packaged lies . . . Each expert has a full 5 minutes to jam your head full of their own personal secrets!”

There are three ways to access this special event:

1. Webcast – just point your browser to the special URL you’ll receive immediately upon registration, and listen in with your computer!

2. Dial-in number if you’d rather dial in using your phone. You’ll receive the number and PIN code immediately upon registration.

3. The call will also be archived – Just surf over to the secret site revealed immediately after registration and you can listen in at your convenience, even if you can’t make it to the exciting webcast live!

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