Music Comanies like EMI, Sony BMG, Universal, and Warner allege Baidu has violated copyright rules and allowed users to download music illegally.

Baidu, the popular Chiinese search engine is caught in a leagal battle with music companies like EMI, Sony BMG, Universal and Warner. Cinepoly, Go East, and Gold Label are expected to join them. The music companies are accusing Baidu of copyright infringement.

The music companies say that Baidu has provided a search platform that simplifies illegal downloading. Baidu disagrees with the premise of the lawsuit, saying they only provide a search service, not a download service.

The music industry is seeking compensation plus the suspension of services that allow illegal downloads.

Earlier in the week Baidu stocks plunged 24% after analysts said the company’s IPO was overpriced. Now Baidu is in legal trouble with the music companies. There was also a rumour that Google intends to buy off Baidu to establish its position further in China.

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