Seth Godin to Beta Test Squidoo, a Lens Site
Seth Godin has announced plans to beta test a new website Squidoo, a site that will host webpages called lenses written by experts on the topic.
Seth Godin announced plans for a new website Squidoo in web 2.0 conference.The first stage of Squidoo’s closed beta test will begin next week.
“Squidoo makes it easy for you to create, share and discover meaning online. It’s a co-op of everyday experts, called lensmasters, who build lenses on topics they care about.” [source]
“We’ve built a platform that makes it easy for anyone, even a newbie, to teach people about topics they care about. We believe that everyone is an expert about something, and the platform is designed to make it easy to do that.
It’s a guide (like and a reference (like It’s a place for personal expression (like and an open platform for real people (like” [source]
Squidoo is different in some ways from the sites mentioned. For example, Wikipedia has one entry per topic but Squidoo has multiple lenses on a topic.
The lens masters can earn through affiliate programmes and through ad revenue.
Godin is limiting the number of beta testers but is still accepting requests to participate.
To be part of squidoo beta testing click here.
Seth Godin released a free ebook related to Squidoo last week.
This is what Seth Godin has to say about his ebook:
“For a long time, the web has been about more. More links, more traffic, more hits, more choices. In the face of all that more, many sites (and most surfers) are not getting what they want. This free ebook, from bestselling author and founder Seth Godin, proposes a different way of achieving your goals: less.”
To download the free ebook click here.
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