AOL Study has revealed that 73%, of African-Americans respond favorably to advertising with multiple cultures featured. And 68% favor companies that benefit the African-American community.

The percentage of African-American households with high speed internet connection is more than that of the general population.

The study found that “that an overwhelming number of African Americans say there isn’t enough online content that “speaks” to them as a distinct culture with its own dynamic needs and values.

The survey also found that almost three-quarters, 73%, of African Americans respond favorably to advertising with multiple cultures featured. And 68% favor companies that benefit the African American community.” [source]

Target Market News, the Black Consumer Market Authority, has reported a study conducted for America Online by IMAGES Market Research.

According to the “2005 AOL African American Cyberstudy”, two-thirds of online African American households have a high-speed connection as compared to 53% of the general population.

Nearly 80% of African Americans have access to the Internet. This is only 8% less than the general population. And those who are not online currently are more likely to get connected within the next 6 to 12 months.

The time spent by African-Americans on the Internet is 5 hours a day. For the general online population it is 2.9 hours a day.

They use the web for news, 68%, entertainment, 55%, health related issues, 72%, financial questions/needs, 60%, and sports, 39%.

Michael Barrett, executive vice president, AOL Media Networks, said, “We are committed to provide the advertising community with new data about the changing nature of online behaviors to better serve their needs”.

Bret Moore, publisher of AOL Black Voices, said, “The Internet is truly a color-blind and equal-opportunity tool that African Americans are using in a very purposeful way to attain their goals and realize their dreams”.

For a full list of findings of the study click here.





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