Intelliseek Announces an Agreement with AOL
Intelliseek has announced a new agreement to provide AOL with daily blog data and trend analysis from Intelliseek’s BlogPulse.
Intelliseek, a blog search engine, has announced a new agreement to provide AOL with daily blog data and trend analysis from Intelliseek’s BlogPulse.
The daily feeds will include: top blogs, top blog posts, top news stories and news sources being cited by bloggers, top website/blog links being shared by bloggers, as well as the top personalities and key phrases being discussed by bloggers in their posts.
AOL also will have access to BlogPulse’s two blogs, BlogPulse Newswire, a summary of blog activity, and BlogPulse Spotlight.
Karthik Iyer, Intelliseek’s Senior Vice President of Business Development, said in the Press Release, “The blogging world is growing by leaps and bounds, and this agreement is a natural fit for two companies intent on delivering timely blog information to today’s Internet users”.
Bill Schreiner, Vice President, AOL Community, said, “The addition of daily blog data from BlogPulse advances AOL’s mission of being one of the leading destinations Web users visit to find out what’s happening in the World and on the Internet, and what people are talking about.
The blog trend data we will be receiving from BlogPulse will keep visitors to the AOL network connected to and informed about the fast-growing blogging community”. [source]
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