Online Ad spending in the third quarter of 2005 has increased 10%, according to a MediaPost study.

Online Ad spending in the third quarter of 2005 has increased 10%, according to a new study conducted by Deutsche Bank in conjunction with MediaPost.

The findings of the study are:

Out of the 87 media executives surveyed, 74% said that their clients’ ad spending increased from the second quarter.

About 25% have reported that the budget did not increase. It remained the same as previous quarter.

There was a 11% increase reported by four out of 10 surveyed.

The average growth came to 10 percent.

The study involved 87 media executives. They were questioned about two things:

Their clients’ experiences with Internet advertising in the third quarter, and
expectations for the fourth quarter.

MediaPost and Deutsche Bank have been conducting such surveys and this study is the fourth in the series. InsightExpress conducted the surcey online using members of the MediaPost advisory panel.

“The spending surge is likely to continue during this quarter, reported Deutsche Bank. Sixty percent of respondents said their clients would likely put more money into Web advertising in the fourth quarter than the third; more than one in three media executives, 36 percent, predicted an increase of more than 10 percent”. [source]





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