Ajex Technology used for Google’s Suggest and Amazon’s Diamond Search tool, can save $10,000 or 500 man hours, per year, according to a study.

Ajex Technology used for Google’s Suggest and Amazon’s Diamond Search tool, can save $10,000 to $55,281 or 500 to 2,764 man hours, per year, according to a study.

Ajex is a method of employing “JavaScript, DHTML, and the XMLHttp behavior in the browser to provide truly dynamic content on a Web page without a page refresh”.

Ajex saves time and money wasted in “Click-and-Wait” Web-application.

Ajax has the ability to pull data from the server after the page has loaded. This saves the time in waiting for the entire web page to reload.

Google suggest uses this technology. As we type the letters in the search box, a list of related words appear. We can select the key words from the list and press enter to search. This saves time in typing the entire keyword.

The potential benefits of Ajex according to the study are grouped under two heads:

1. Potentially Measurable Benefits
2. Hard to Quantity Benefits

The measurable benefits include:

Saving time spent in waiting for data to be transmitted, time spent in completing a particular task and bandwidth consumed for the entire task.

The other benefits include:
Steps to complete a task
Familiar user interface
Improved application responsiveness

To read Alexei White’s study “Measuring the Benefits of Ajax” click here.





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