Internet Ad Revenues Increase
The internet ad revenues are growing at three times the rate of other media average. Brazil, Russia, India and China have supplied 27% of world ad growth this year.
The internet ad revenues are growing at three times the rate of the all-media average. Brazil, Russia, India and China have supplied 27% of world ad growth in 2005.
The internet has contributed to 16% of ad growth. It has shared 4% of ad expenditure in 2005.
ZenithOptimedia press release, “Ad growth sustained by emerging markets” has reported, that USA is the largest contributor to global advertising growth, providing 30% of ad cash expansion. Brazil, Russia, India and China together contribute 27%.
Advertising expenditure for 2005:
USA: 5,888 million
Brazil: 1,926
China: 1,458
Russia: 1,223
India: 667
Predictions for 2007:
The Internet advertising which was at 3.2% in 2003 had grown to 4.3% in 2005.
It will reach 5.0% in 2007. The other advertising media including the newspapers, magazines, TV, Radio, Cinema and Outdoor will be less than what they are now or will remain the same.
To read the full report of ZenithOptimedia’s “Ad growth sustained by emerging markets” click here.
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