Web Users and Online Shoppers Fear ID Theft
Web users, 80%, fear identity theft according to a national survey. Online shoppers, 54%, read a site’s privacy policy or user agreement before buying.
Web users fear identity theft and many have changed their behaviour in the use of the internet. Online shoppers read a site’s privacy policy or user agreement before buying.
A national survey has found that consumers have become anxious about revealing personal information and credit card details online. At least 80% fear identity theft and 86% have changed their behaviour because of the fear.
Some of the findings related to behaviuoral changes include:
Use the internet less 30%
Avoid providing personal information 53%
Stop buying things online 25%
Read the sites privacy policy or user agreement 54%
Reduce frequency of buying online 29%
Other findings:
People who prefer to read news online 76%
People who trust banking sites 68%
People who trust sites where they can buy and sell stocks or mutual funds 42%
Princeton Survey Research Associates International, PSRAI, have conducted the survey for WebWatch and have prepared a report, “Leap of Faith: Using the Internet Despite the Dangers”.
The survey is based on data obtained from “nationally representative sample of 1,501 Web users in the United States age 18 and over”.
“The 2005 poll also asked users about their thoughts and behaviors regarding trust and credibility online, news and information sites, children’s Web sites, financial services sites, digital imagery integrity and other issues”. [source]
To read the complete report, 42 pages, of “Leap of Faith: Using the Internet Despite the Dangers” click here.
This report is in Pdf format. You will need Adobe Acrobat to read this report. To download a free acrobat reader click here.
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