John Leavitt has launched a new pixel advertising site focused on web hosting.

John Leavitt, internet entrepreneur and co-founder of Lycos, has launched a new pixel advertising site focused on web hosting, Web Host Pixels.

The site accepts advertisements only from web hosting services. The site is a subsidiary of Hosting Comparison, a web host review site. The site allows advertisers to update their advertisements as and when necessary.

Web hosts that sign up for advertisements are given 400 free pixels on signing up. The 400 free pixels will be available for one year without purchasing additional pixels. When the web hosts purchase additional pixels, they can keep the 400 free pixels indefinitely.

Trey Gardner of Lunarpages, said, “ is a great site for us, not only because of the opportunity to reach more customers but the site also allows us to see all of the hosting competitors in one location. We intend to have Lunarpages featured prominently on and we look forward to going head to head with all of our competitors who will be marketing on that site.” [Source]

To visit the Web Host Pixels site, click here





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