The Department of Communication and Information Technology, Australian Government, is reviewing the Spam Act of 2003. Spam Act 2003 is a legislation designed to control spam.

The Department of Communication and Information Technology, Australian Government, is reviewing the Spam Act of 2003.

Section 46 of Spam Act 2003 states that a review of the legislation must be conducted and produced in the Parliament by April 2006.

Senator Helen Coonan, Minister for Communications and IT, said, “Since the Act came into effect, many professional spammers that had been based in Australia have either shut up shop or left the country.” [Source]

Australia’s Spam Act 2003 applies to commercial electronic messages including spam sent by email, SMS, Instant Messaging and MMS.

Senator Coonan said, “In 2003 when the legislation was introduced, spam email was recognised as the most significant part of the problem.

Although this is still true today, the Australian Communications and Media Authority has reported that spam sent via SMS is an increasing concern for consumers.” [Source]

The Minister for Communications and Information Technology, Senator Coonan, has invited public comment on the legislation and the review process.

To comment on the legislation and the review process send in your submissions before February 1, 2006.

For Contact details and additional information, click here.

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