Gary Stein, senior analyst for Jupiter Research, presented an address on “Effective Internet Marketing in a Global Market Place” in the Travel Internet Marketing Strategy Conference. Stein predicted that Internet advertising will grow to $18.9 billion by 2010.

Gary Stein, senior analyst for Jupiter Research, presented an address on “Effective Internet Marketing in a Global Market Place” in the Travel Internet Marketing Strategy Conference. Stein predicted that Internet advertising will grow to $18.9 billion by 2010.

Gary Stein has said that spending on search advertising will overtake spending on display advertising by 2009. He said, “If you don’t appear on the first page of search results, you don’t exist [to the potential customer” [Source]

The HSMAI conducted the Travel and Internet Marketing Strategy Conference on Dec 7th in San Francisco, CA.

57% of the attendees to the conference represented 24 hotel brands and hotel management companies and 34% represented service providers.

Robert A. Gilbert, President and CEO of HSMAI, said, “Overall, the conference, held in conjunction with HEDNA, was highly interactive, with an emphasis on the current state of online travel marketing and advertising, the growing trend in customer-driven content, and what to do about it, and current threats to online marketing, including online crime, trademark infringement, and the growing debate over privacy online” [Source]

The conference urged online marketers to protect their websites and consumers against traffic diversion, identity theft and fraud.

The conference also held roundtable discussions on Trademark protection, blogs and user driven content, emerging technologies, globalization, multi-lingual websites, privacy, content syndication/RSS, affiliate marketing and meta-search.

Sponsors for the Internet Marketing Strategy Conference were Cyveillance Inc, eMarketer, American Express, Expedia Inc, HSMAI University, Real Magnet and TIG Global.





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