U.S is the top spam relaying country with 24%, according to a report by Sophos. China and South Korea followed in the list.

U.S is the top spam relaying country with 24%, according to a report by Sophos. China (including Hong Kong) and South Korea followed in the list, with 22.3% and 9.7% respectively.

Other countries in the list of top 12 spam relaying countries were France, Canada, Brazil, Spain, Austria, Taiwan, Poland, Japan and Germany.

Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant at Sophos, said: “Computer users in the UK are putting the squeeze on spammers by better protecting their computers from being turned into spam-relaying zombies. It’s encouraging to see that the UK no longer occupies one of the top twelve positions.

In contrast, the amount of non-English language spam continues to grow – proof that spammers are attempting to exploit every corner of the global market with their money-making schemes.” [Source]

The report also stated that the U.K is responsible for relaying 1.6% of spam, and is in the 14th position.

The report said that Zombie computers are responsible for relaying over 60% of the world’s spam. Such computers allow spammers to escape country-specific legislation, since they do not have to be located in the same country as the spamming machines that they operate.

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