Vonage is the leading VOIP provider with 21.7% share of North American minutes, according to a survey by Sandvine. Skype was second with 14.4% of North American minutes.

Vonage is the leading VOIP provider with 21.7% share of North American minutes, according to a survey by Sandvine. Skype was second with 14.4% of North American minutes. The remaining 10.9% share of minutes was captured by other VOIP providers.

Boyd Peterson, Senior Vice President, Media Research, Yankee Group, said: “Broadband provider-branded VoIP is, and will continue to be a key factor in driving revenue growth and triple-play success for service providers.” [Source]

In Europe, service provider-branded VOIP represents 51.2% of all VOIP minutes. Skype followed with 45% of all VOIP minutes. Other third-party VOIP providers represent 3.5% of all minutes, and Vonage takes less than 1% share.

In North America, broadband providers who have rolled out network-wide VOIP deployments are capturing 83% of the VOIP minutes in their own networks. The market share in minutes for third party VOIP providers such as Vonage and Skype is 12.9%.

Tom Donnelly, executive VP, marketing and sales for Sandvine, said: “Sandvine customers have been able to leverage their increased understanding of Internet application traffic trends to effectively differentiate valued services like VoIP and enhance the overall quality of experience for their subscribers.” [Source]





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