Italian surfers are downloading 90,000,000 webpages every ten minutes. The webpages downloaded include news, entertainment and banking, according to Nielsen//NetRatings.

Italian surfers are downloading 90,000,000 webpages every ten minutes. The webpages downloaded include news, entertainment and banking, according to Nielsen//NetRatings.

Italian surfers are utilising the whole variety of services available, from search to chat, from downloading news and entertainment to banking according to the David Day, Managing Director, Nielsen//NetRatings.

Presenting a paper at the OECD Conference held in Rome, he observes that a large proportion of Europeans are online, whether they are accessing the Internet from home, work, school or even a local cafe. People want to consume information, entertainment, music, news and to communicate immediately from the Internet and the offline world needs to be able to respond in order not only to maximise the opportunities. And this the businesses, governments and all organisations cannot afford to ignore and need to adapt their offering and legislation, he added.

For more information contact Cristina Papini –





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