F-Secure has launched the F-Secure Service Platform for Businesses. The service aims at offering protection against viruses, spyware, malware and other intrusion attempts.

F-Secure has launched the F-Secure Service Platform for Businesses. The service aims at offering protection against viruses, spyware, malware and other intrusion attempts.

The service includes firewall, and spam/content filtering.

Riikka Jakovuori, Business Development Manager at F-Secure, said: “The F-Secure Service Platform for Businesses from F-Secure enables the SMB sector to ensure cost efficient security services, which they presently lack.

The pilot schemes have proved the workability of this solution and service providers such as Internet service providers, telco’s and other type of network service providers have proven to be the natural choice for service provision to this significant business sector.” [Source]

The service is offered either through the business client or the service provider.

The concept has been implemented by service providers New World Telecomm in Hong Kong, int Y in the UK, the portal Infinito.it in Italy and Finnet in Finland.

The service is available to all service providers interested in targeting the SMB sector.

For more information on the F-Secure Service Platform for Businesses, click here.





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