Feedster Gets New Look
Feedster, the RSS search engine, has gotten a new look. There is a “cleaner and simpler interface” and the search functionality has been “simplified” with a new RSS subscribe button.
Feedster, the RSS search engine, has gotten a new look. There is a “cleaner and simpler interface.”
The Feedster blog says: “In order to build a better user experience, we scaled back so that we could evaluate and improve the UI over time. But for now, you can see it is cleaner than the previous site.” [Source]
Feedster claims to have simplified the search functionality. It has also got a new RSS subscribe button.
Feedster is expecting to make more changes to its site, including:
Advanced Search
Simplified Feed Claiming and Icon Uploading
Simplified Indexing and
Better UI.
For more information on the new changes made and to be made, click here.
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