AOL Search generated 6.17% conversion rate at business to consumer ecommerce sites. MSN conversion rates were at 6.03%, Yahoo 4.07%, and Google 3.83%, according to the WebSideStory Index.

AOL Search generated 6.17% conversion rate at business to consumer ecommerce sites. MSN conversion rates were at 6.03%, Yahoo 4.07%, and Google 3.83%, according to the WebSideStory Index.

The study includes traffic from both organic and paid keywords.

Ali Behnam, senior digital marketing consultant for WebSideStory, said: “One way to explain the difference in conversion rates is demographics. With portals rich in content and services, AOL, MSN and Yahoo may tend to appeal toward a more buyer friendly demographic. Google, meanwhile, may appeal to more browsers ““ those with less of an intent to buy”. [source]

To read the full report click here.





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