Google Testimony on The Internet in China
Elliot Schrage of Google has presented the testimony on The Internet in China before the U.S. House of Representatives. Google has said in its testimony, ‘At the risk of oversimplification, the U.S. should treat censorship as a barrier to trade, and raise that issue in appropriate fora’.
Elliot Schrage of Google has presented the testimony on The Internet in China before the U.S. House of Representatives. Google has said in its testimony, ‘At the risk of oversimplification, the U.S. should treat censorship as a barrier to trade, and raise that issue in appropriate fora’.
Elliot Schrage, Google Vice President, Global Communications and Public Affairs, said:
“We also developed several elements that distinguish our service in China, including:
* Disclosure to users — We will give notification to Chinese users whenever search results have been removed.
* Protection of user privacy — We will not maintain on Chinese soil any services, like email, that involve personal or confidential data. This means that we will not, for example, host Gmail or Blogger, our email and blogging tools, in China.
* Continued availability of — We will not terminate the availability of our unfiltered Chinese-language service”. [source]
Schrage has outlined the decisions taken by Google for China. These decisions include:
Disclosure of filtering
Limiting services
Promoting voluntary industry action
Suggesting steps that US Government can take
To read the complete report titled, “Testimony of Google Inc. before the Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific, and the Subcommittee on Africa, Global Human Rights, and International Operations”, click here.
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