PreFound to Share Ad Revenues with Featured Finders
PreFound Search Engine users identified as “Featured Finders” will receive 100% of the Google AdSense revenues that their individual pages generate. PreFound allows its users to create their own personal pages containing organized groups of links sorted by topic and sub-topic.
PreFound Search Engine users identified as “Featured Finders” will receive 100% of the Google AdSense revenues that their individual pages generate. PreFound allows its users to create their own personal pages containing organized groups of links sorted by topic and sub-topic.
Featured Finders find, tag and share organized sets of links and annotations on their expert topic areas. Searchers use the Featured Finder’s PreFound selections.
Steve Mansfield, CEO of and its parent company, iLOR, said: “Our plan is to reward experts in their fields along with regular users who’ve proven they can share useful and popular material”. [source]
Other search engines sucha as Dumbfind also base the relevance of search results on the human mind instead of algorithms.
If you want to participate in the Featured Finders program click here.
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