40 Million Americans Surf the Internet for Fun
40 million Americans surfed the internet for fun in December 2005. This is an increase of 15 million compared to last year, according to Pew Internet.
40 million Americans surfed the internet for fun in December 2005. This is an increase of 15 million compared to last year, according to Pew Internet.
“Surfing the Web has become one of the most popular activities that internet users will do online on a typical day. Some 30% of internet users go online on any given day for no particular reason, just for fun or to pass the time”.
“Compared to other online pursuits, the act of surfing for fun now stands only behind sending or receiving email (52% of internet users do this on a typical day) and using a search engine (38% of internet users do this on a typical day), and is in a virtual tie for third with the act of getting news online (31% of internet users do this on a typical day)”. [source]
Other findings of the Pew Internet & American Life Project include,
Those who surf the internet for fun are mostly young males.
The increase in surfing for fun among men is f from 24% to 34%. For women the increase is
from 19% to 26%.
The younger the user the more likely they surf the internet for fun.
The more the years of experience in using the internet the more likely they are to surf for fun.
72% of Americans with home broadband have surfed the web for fun compared with 63% of those with dial-up.
To read the full report titled, “On any given day, about 40 million internet users go online just for fun or to pass the time”, click here.
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