The pay-per-call market will reach $3.7 billion by 2010. It will more than double each year for the next five years, according to the Kelsey Group forecast.

The pay-per-call market will reach $3.7 billion by 2010. It will more than double each year for the next five years, according to the Kelsey Group forecast.

Greg Sterling, an analyst with the Kelsey Group, said: “It’s a mirror of online advertising in general. If you’ve got people pushing the product to market, it’s going to grow much faster than if it’s a purely self-service”. [source]

Google introduced click-to-call last year. Google service connected the customer to the advertiser.

“Here’s how it works: When you click the phone icon, you can enter your phone number. Once you click ‘Connect For Free,’ Google calls the number you provided. When you pick up, you hear ringing on the other end as Google connects you to the other party”. [source]

The advantages for the customer are:

The customer’s phone numbers are not given to the advertisers.

Google pays for the calls.

The advantages for the advertisers are:

They have to pay Google only when a customer calls.

AOL also partnered with Ingenio last year for pay-per-call advertising.





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