Pluck is going to launch BlogBurst, a service that takes topical content from pre-approved blogs and provides it to publishers such as online newspapers for republication. BlogBurst charges publishers for this service and does not share revenue with bloggers.

Pluck is going to launch BlogBurst, a service that takes topical content from pre-approved blogs and provides it to publishers such as online newspapers for republication.

The Pluck site has announced it as: “BlogBurst is a syndication service that places your blog on top-tier online destinations. You get visibility, audience reach and traffic, while publishers weave the rich and diverse fabric of the blogosphere into their sites”. [Pluck]

BlogBurst charges publishers for this service and does not share revenue with bloggers. Each post has a byline and attribution/link back to the blog. This is expected to increase the blog traffic.

The topics will include, travel, women’s Issues, technology & gadgets, food & entertainment and local Metros.

Michael Arrington has said, “Pluck demo’d a new product called BlogBurst at our party last night. The service is live but Pluck has not pushed it out for publicity yet”. [source]

To checkout BlogBurst source.





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