47% of users research products online and then buy them offline, according to a survey by iProspect. 62% utilize general search engines to research products.

47% of users research products online and then buy them offline, according to a survey by iProspect.

The study also revealed that 62% utilize general search engines to research products. 26% users utilize shopping-specific search engines to research products.

Robert Murray, President, iProspect, said: “If the vast majority of Internet users are performing their shopping research through the use of general search engines, it is obviously critical that online merchants’ websites and products be easily found on branded and non-branded searches in the major search engines.” [Source]

Murray also said: “This search engine marketing study also sends a significant message to merchants on the importance of measurement. If nearly half of Internet users who research products online end-up buying those products offline, online marketers need to understand how important it is to measure offline conversions that are generated by online efforts, so they can more effectively manage their campaigns, take credit for the full online ROI that their efforts produce, and receive their organizations’ budget dollars consistent with their performance.” [Source]

For more information on the survey, Source.





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