The Federal Trade Commission and its partners in government and the technology industry have released a game called, ‘Auction Auction’. FTP has added a new section to its OnGuardOnline website that will include tips and activities to help buyers and sellers spot and avoid Internet auction fraud.

The Federal Trade Commission and its partners in government and the technology industry have released a game called, ‘Auction Auction’. FTP has added a new section to its OnGuardOnline website that will include tips and activities to help buyers and sellers spot and avoid Internet auction fraud.

The game allows consumers to rack up points answering auction-related questions from different categories.

“In 2005, the FTC received 80,450 complaints related to Internet auctions, or about 12 percent of the total number of complaints, making it the second most common kind of complaint after those about identity theft. The new Web site explains how Internet auctions work, the pros and cons of using different payment options, and how – as a buyer or seller – you can avoid the most common types of fraud”. [click here]

To check out the FTP website click here.

To check out the interactive game, Auction Action, click here.





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