Google has been reported as the market leader of the U.S. search market with a 41.4% share of all searches submitted. Yahoo had 28.7% share of all searches and MSN had 13.7%, according to comScore Networks’ monthly qSearch analysis.

Google has been reported as the market leader of the U.S. search market with a 41.4% share of all searches submitted. Yahoo had 28.7% share of all searches and MSN had 13.7%, according to comScore Networks’ monthly qSearch analysis.

The findings of the comScore analysis include:

Americans conducted 5.48 billion searches online in January 2006.

This is up 11 percent from 2005.

The difference between 2004 and 2005 was 42%.

Search Data:

Google Sites 2.3 billion searches.

Yahoo! Sites 1.6 billion searches.

MSN-Microsoft Sites 752.5 million searches.

Time Warner 432.6 million searches.

Ask Jeeves 307.3 million searches.

Google Sites tool bar search 49.5% of all tool bar searches.

Yahoo! Sites 45.5%.

Dr. Magid Abraham, President and CEO of comScore Networks, said: “The good news for search companies is that the utilization of search queries for advertising purposes continues to increase. …. As a result, search revenue growth will significantly outpace search query growth. At the same time the slowdown in the overall growth rates is unmistakable”. [source]

To download the full report, 3 pages, click here.





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