91% of email sent to Indian PC users is spam, according to a report by MessageLabs. The United Arab Emirates had the highest rate of virus transmission, one virus per 13.9 emails.

91% of email sent to Indian PC users is spam, according to a report by MessageLabs. The study also revealed that the United Arab Emirates had the highest rate of virus transmission, with one virus per 13.9 emails.

Paul Wood, security analyst at MessageLabs, said: “There is booming technology in India, but it has been suggested there is little thought for security, which creates a market to exploit that.” [Source]

The report revealed that the majority of junk emails came from the U.S, or was generated by American spammers who moved their operations abroad.

Paul Wood said: “American companies use host services in other countries with laxer spam laws, perhaps a server farm in South America or an ISP in China. Communications between the spammer and the server can be encrypted, so the provider may not know what the server is being used for.” http://uk.news.yahoo.com/060301/152/g59q0.html

For more information on the report, click here.





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