Google has announced that it has added new features to its sitemap. The new features provide information about the top position for the site in the search results and the top search queries from mobile devices that returned the site in the results. The information can be downloaded in any text editor or spreadsheet program.

Google has announced that it has added new features to its sitemap. The new features provide information about the top position for the site in the search results and the top search queries from mobile devices that returned the site in the results. The information can be downloaded in any text editor or spreadsheet program.

Vanessa Fox, Google Engineering, has posted on Google Sitemaps Blog: “We already show you the top search queries that both returned your site in the results and those that searchers clicked on. Now you can see the top position for your site in the search results for both sets of queries. This position is the average over the last three weeks”. [source]

Similarly, the top search queries from mobile devices are also made available.

It is also possible to download information from Sitemaps account to a comma separated value or CVS file.

Once downloaded the information can be accessed through a text editor or spreadsheet program.

It is possible to download this information per table, or download Sitemap details, errors, or stats, for all sites in one account in one file.

To go to Google Sitemaps Beta, click here.

To learn how to view the statistics of your site, click here.





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