Google has added new features to Google Reader. The new features enable sharing reading lists with others by sending them a link of the starred items in Google Reader or a clip on the blogs with recent items from the reading list.

Google has added new features to Google Reader. The new features enable sharing reading lists with others by sending them a link of the starred items in Google Reader or a clip on the blogs with recent items from the reading list.

Jason Shellen of Google has posted on the Google Reader blog, “As of tonight, Google Reader has the ability to share what you like to read with your friends. You can send a link to your starred items in Reader, or you can put a clip on your blog with recent items from your reading list (as shown below)”.

Jason Shellen has added, “Additionally, if you use the tagging labeling feature of Reader, you can label items and share them”. [source]

To download Google Reader, click here.

To preview and subscribe to Jason Shellen’s starred items, click here.





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