In-Sleep Advertising on April Fool’s Day
A new type of advertising called “In-sleeping Advertising” is gaining ground and in-sleeping advertising spending in the US will grow to over $3 billion by 2020, according to eMarketer study.
A new type of advertising called “In-sleeping Advertising” is gaining ground and in-sleeping advertising spending in the US will grow to over $3 billion by 2020, according to eMarketer study.
A nanobot or a tiny robot about the size of a blood cell is implanted in the brain.
The robot is implanted in that part of the brain where dreams originate.
The chip acts as a wireless base-station, sending and receiving signals from other nanobots.
In-sleep subjects insert a small device in their ear and advertisements are received through that.
Before you click on the eMarketer report remember that the report is released on April 1.
“For more information on emerging marketing trends, read the recently-released eMarketer report, Ancestral Advertising: Reaching an Untapped Demographic”. [source]
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