Robert Plank has released an ebook titled, “Sales Page Tactics” that offers website scripts, which can be used to personalize sales letters.

Robert Plank has released an ebook titled, “Sales Page Tactics” that offers website scripts, which can be used to personalize sales letters.

Robert Plank sales letter title:

“”Experienced PHP/JavaScript Tutor Solves 19 Of Your Most Frustrating Direct Response Sales Page Hang-Ups”

Robert Plank says: “It is not a copywriting e-book. Instead, it contains nineteen powerful web site scripts with super-detailed walkthroughs explaining how they were built, so you can either:
Paste them onto your web site painlessly OR Tweak them to do anything you want”.

The scripts covered in the book include:

– PHP code that remembers a visitor’s first name, even months after their previous visit.

– JavaScript and PHP code that asks the user why they didn’t buy and offers an appropriate option.

There are 19 chapters in the book.

The price of the ebook is $25.95.

To checkout Rober Plank’s “Sales Page Tactics”, click here.





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