Mark Hendricks is offering a new special report and audio package called ’17 Ways To Build Yourself A Responsive and Profitable List’, for one week.

Mark Hendricks is offering a new special report and audio package called ’17 Ways To Build Yourself A Responsive and Profitable List’.

The sales letter states that the offer is going to last one week only, with the price of the package going up every two days.

According to Mark, the package contains valuable information that he has only revealed at his last Internet Success System Live Master Mind Conference, and to a few of his closest friends.

Mark says the strategies taught in the report and audio package are taken from the ISS Live Master Mind Conference sessions, making a total of 63 pages (PDF) and over two hours of audio (MP3).

Features and Benefits

Mark Hendricks lists some of the information taught in the audio and transcript. The following is taken from the package’s sales letter:

“- the amazingly simple secret to getting people to sign up for your list and buy from your recommendations

– the three special ingredients you’ll need to include to build your relationship with your customers and subscsribers

– how to instantly position yourself as an expert to listen to, even if no one knows who you are

– why relevant content is not good enough to make sales from your webpages or when mailing your list, I will tell you exactly what kind of content you should be giving them to create sales time and time again

– the right kind of freebies to give away to get them signing up for your list like crazy

– what format should your newsletter be in when you email it, one works better than all the others

– everyone tells you to have a P.S. at the end of your letter, I will show you that you could be missing tons of sales by doing this, and where you should be putting that P.S. for best results

– how to even make money off of people who unsubscribe from your list – that’s right, you’ll learn to make money from people who never want to hear from you again

– why you need to sign people up to three separate lists every time they subscribe

– and a whole lot more!”


A two-hour audio recording of a private followup teleconference to answer customers’ specific questions.


The Special Report and Audio package is $147, however, Mark has a $90 discount on it making the current price $57.

One Week Price Increase Schedule

Each morning at 10:00am Eastern USA time the price will change.

On Monday, April 3 you may purchase it for only $67.

On Wednesday, April 5 you may purchase it for only $77.

On Friday, April 7 you may purchase it for only $97.

On Sunday, April 9 you may purchase it for only $117.

On Tuesday, April 11 you may purchase it for only $147.

This offer will end on April 12, 2006.

For more information on Mark’s report and audio package, click here.


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