Joe Vitale has blogged about ” How to hit Alexa’s Top 10 list”. Joe Vitale’s Hypnotic Library is one of the top 10 sites marked as “Movers and Shakers”.

Joe Vitale has blogged about ” How to hit Alexa’s Top 10 list”. Joe Vitale’s Hypnotic Library is one of the top 10 sites marked as “Movers and Shakers”.

Joe Vitale has blogged: “Hypnotic Library has been heavily promoted to my list as well as a few others, but that can’t by itself explain why it hit the Top 10 Alexa movers list.

I can’t help but wonder if my before-after weight-loss pictures are the draw. From a viral marketing standpoint, everyone wants to see those pictures. And all who do, tell others. Pictures can be very hypnotic and are an overlooked tool by copywriters”. [source]

According to Alexa, the “Movers and Shakers” are “The Top 10 Sites moving up or moving down in the traffic rankings, as measured by the change in the number of users visiting the site”. [source]

To check out the position of Hypnotic Library in Alexa’s “Movers and Shakers” sites, source.





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