Harris & Merlin have announced “30 Subscribers for 30 Minutes One-on-One with Joshua Shafran”.

Harris & Merlin have announced “30 Subscribers for 30 Minutes One-on-One with Joshua Shafran”.

Harris and Merlin say: “Just 15 minutes back on Dec 15th with Tellman Knudson gave Merlin and I an idea that took less than 5 minutes to implement and is directly responsible for at least 1/3rd of our sales. That equates to 50% more money than we would have made had we not had that little phone call … And Tellman is just a *prodigy* of Joshua’s …”

The “30 for 30” Bonus Offer says that it is not a teleseminar.

“Simply Follow these 3 Steps to Become one of the 30 lucky people Joshua will be consulting one-on-one.

Step 1). Listen to this 5 minute audio Right Now!

Step 2). Go and Get NPOD Right Away. You must use this link to make your order: http://www.12weekintensive.com/npod

Step 3). Forward your reciept to training@12weekintensive.com with “30 for 30″ in the subject line.”

To listen to the audio, click here.





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