Online banking customers grew to nearly 40 million in the fourth quarter of 2005, according to comScore Networks.

Online banking customers grew to nearly 40 million in the fourth quarter of 2005, according to comScore Networks. This is a 27% increase over the previous year.

Usage of online bill payment services has grown 36%.

Serge Matta, director of comScore Financial Services Solutions, said: “Consumers continue to migrate to online banking, with the nation’s largest banks attracting more than 8.5 million new online banking customers in 2005”.

Serge Matta added, “At the same time, it is clear that adoption rates are slowing. In Q4 2005, the total number of online banking customers grew by 3.1 percent over the previous quarter, representing the lowest sequential quarterly growth in three years”. [source]

comScore’s 2006 Online Banking Report includes:

– Quarterly online banking growth statistics

– Quarterly online bill pay statistics

– Attitudinal insight into why some consumers choose not to use online bill pay

– High-yield savings marketplace statistics (Share of submitted online applications, considerations when selecting, initial source of information)

– Customer loyalty statistics (products per customer, factors that impact switching)

– Customer satisfaction statistics

To read the complete report of comScore Networks, click here.

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