Tom Hua has announced the pre-launch of ‘World Internet Pay’ to his eVision subscribers. WorldInternetPay offers a solution to accept online payment especially for those who do not have credit cards and who live in developing countries.

Tom Hua has announced the pre-launch of ‘World Internet Pay’ to his eVision subscribers. WorldInternetPay offers a solution to accept online payment especially for those who do not have credit cards and who live in developing countries.

Tom Hua, publisher of e*Vision, and the co-founder of the World Internet Summit says:

“We at World Internet Pay firmly believe that Internet is for everyone! While many online processing companies only provide services to people who already have their own credit cards, in most cases, who are the residents of most developed countries only, World Internet Pay offers anyone in any country the opportunity to be able to accept credit card payment online”. [source]

The benefits of using ‘World Internet Pay’ as listed on the site are:

“WorldInternetPay offers a seamless solution to anyone in the world the opportunity to accept credit card payment online.

– You don’t have to have a company registered

– You don’t have to have an merchant account

– You don’t have to have a credit card yourself

– You can live in any country in the world

– No term contracts”

For more information on ‘World Internet Pay’, click here.

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