Mark Joyner has revealed the identity of this week’s mystery man: Gunter Grass, a recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Mark Joyner has revealed the identity of this week’s mystery man: Gunter Grass, a recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Mark says in his email that he will not be able to appreciate Gunter Grass because his original text is in German and “the greatness is almost always lost in translation”. [email with subject: sadly, I’ll never fully be able to appreciate him]

In the same email Mark Joyner quotes Simpleology member Russ Berryhill who said:

“As an experienced sales manager for fortune 500 companies and a high-achiever with a dose of ADHD, I have been frustrated with my lack of productivity since I took the leap and started my own company.

The Simpleology 101 and 102 courses has provided me with the focus, education and confidence I have been desperately searching for.

It’s like Mark knew exactly what I needed to hear. I know I am on the path to enormous business and personal success!”

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