Bart Baggett and Bryan Will are having a “Real Estate Market” teleseminar on April 21. The teleseminar will focus on combining real estate investing with the internet.

Bart Baggett and Bryan Will are having a “Real Estate Market” teleseminar on April 21. The teleseminar will focus on combining real estate investing with the internet.

Teleseminar Details

Key Persons: Bart Baggett and Bryan Will

Registration Page title is: “Average “Nobody” Spots Gap In The Real Estate Market That Bags Him $100K Every Month- Without Ever Leaving His Computer Chair!”

Day/Date: Friday, April 21

Time: You can choose the time.

** 2:30pm **- 401 seats left

** 7:00pm **- 415 seats left

Register for call details.

To register for the teleseminar, click here.

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