MoodViews Tracks The Moods of Blogosphere
MoodViews is a software to track the moods of Blogosphere. This software provides ways to search and analyse the web.
MoodViews is a software to track the moods of Blogosphere. This software provides ways to search and analyse the web.
MoodViews was created by Gilad Mishne and his colleagues at Amsterdam University. It tracks about 10 million blogs hosted by the US service LiveJournal.
Mishne said: “I noticed that blog posts on LiveJournal have mood labels attached. We started to collect this information and noticed trends in different moods over time.”
MoodViews has three components:
•Moodgrapher – to track the global mood levels
•Moodteller – to predict the moods
•Moodsignals – helps to understand the underlying reasons for mood changes.
For more information, click here.
To go to MoodViews, click here.
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