Mark Joyner & Tellman Knudson are offering free ‘Viral Marketing Chemistry Set’ tele-training. The 90-minute teleseminar will teach seven methods & tools for building viral marketing campaigns.

Mark Joyner & Tellman Knudson are offering free Viral Marketing Chemistry Set tele-training. The 90-minute teleseminar will teach seven methods & tools for building viral marketing campaigns.

Viral Marketing Chemistry Set sign up page title is:

“You’re About To Learn ‘Secrets’ That Most People Will Never Know About How To Really Create An Unstoppable Marketing Virus…”

“Give us 90 minutes and we’ll expose the 7 most powerful, most effective, and most profitable methods & tools for building exponential, Hyper-Viral marketing campaigns, to drive unlimited traffic, build massive lists and explode your sales!”

Learnings from Viral Marketing Chemistry Set Tele-Training

The learnings from the free tele-training are listed in the sign up page. They include:

“Why you can’t purchase the Viral Marketing Chemistry Set and the 3 criteria you must have in order to get your hands on it…

– How you are using viral-marketing in your business without even knowing it (and how it is ruining your reputation and costing you thousands)

– The 4 BIG questions that EVERY person mentally asks just before they buy (and how to use them to generate thousands of sales)…

– What viral-list-building tool Tellman spent over 1 full year developing and how you can get it for FREE…

– 3 profit-pulling “T.I.O. Laws” behind every single viral offer that can’t be refused…

– The single most powerful method to consistently create hyper-viral, super-profitable products and services (and get website visitors to do whatever you want them to)…

– How to use other people’s products to launch a massive viral marketing campaign, build a HUGE list and make money in the process…

– What type of list you must have in order to “go viral”

– The one thing you can do in the next ten minutes to launch your FIRST viral campaign without spending a dime!

– What you can do to make your normal emails viral and build your list at the same time!

– The exact web-page sequence you need to change your current site into a viral juggernaut…

– And much, much more sent straight to your inbox… “


To go to Viral Marketing Chemistry Set, click here.





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