Opera has launched Opera 9 Beta. The new version’s features include widgets, BitTorrent and content blocking.

Opera has launched Opera 9 Beta. The new version’s features include widgets, BitTorrent and content blocking. BitTorrent is a file downloading technology.

It also includes thumbnail previews of tabbed sites. When users have many tabs open at once, they can move the mouse over a tab to view a thumbnail preview of that particular webpage.

Jon S. von Tetzchner, CEO of Opera Software, “We’re proud to release this Beta of Opera 9 to Web users around the world. Opera 9 brings powerful new features to enhance the Web browsing experience and empower Web 2.0 developers. Opera 9 unlocks new levels of productivity for the Internet ecosystem.” [Source]

Users can also have the search engine of their choice in the search box. Users can choose the search engine by right-clicking on the search field and selecting “Create search” from the menu.

To download Opera 9 Beta, click here.

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