Mani Announces a Contest with $200 as Cash Prize
Dr. Mani has announced a contest for bloggers with a cash prize of $200. The bloggers should pay $10 to join the contest, prepare a blog using Mani’s free report, and send proof of their earning through Google AdSense.
Dr. Mani has announced a contest for bloggers with a cash prize of $200. The bloggers should pay $10 to join the contest, prepare a blog using Mani’s free report, and send proof of their earning through Google AdSense.
Email with the subject: 200 Dollar Prize – ‘Better Your Best’ Contest
Mani’s email gives details of the procedure for participating in the contest:
– “I’ve put up the reports here for free download
– Read them. Use the idea. Create a new blog. Set up a unique ‘channel’ in Google Adsense for
this contest.
– Follow the stps for one month.
– At the end of 30 days (I’ll use May 27th as the deadline), send me a screenshot of your Google Adsense account with the channel data for the contest, along with the URL for the blog you used this technique on”.
Mani’s free report teaches a step-by-step system to profit from blogging in niche markets.
The $10 paid for the contest entry fee goes to the Heart Kids fund.
To register, send your payment of $10 via PayPal to
To download Mani’s free report, click here.
Mani’s report is in Pdf format. You will need Adobe Acrobat to read this report. To download a free acrobat reader click here.
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