David Barron and Kent Sayre are having “The Ultimate Persuasion Seminar” on May 19 – 21, in Las Vegas. The seminar will focus on “persuasion secrets”.

David Barron and Kent Sayre are having The Ultimate Persuasion Seminar on May 19 – 21, in Las Vegas. The seminar will focus on “persuasion secrets”.

Sales Letter Title

The Ultimate Persuasion Seminar sales letter title is:

“… Here’s Your Chance To Discover Jealously Guarded Insider Persuasion Secrets That Let You Talk Anyone Into Anything, Anytime…Guaranteed! … “

“Announcing The Latest Ultimate Persuasion Seminar Live From Las Vegas On May 19th, 20th and 21st!”

Learnings from the Seminar

The learnings from The Ultimate Persuasion Seminar are listed in the sales letter. The list includes:

” “¢ The overlooked mindset that virtually guarantees your success! (It’s the stunning secret of all successful salespeople!)

– How to develop an unstoppable “god complex” where objections, troubles bounce off you like dry sponges!

– The uncensored, stealth method to modeling the killer persuasion attitude of the top pros!

– How to make these persuasion skills feel as if you’ve known them all your life using a few white-hot tips!

– How to appeal to everyone’s hidden addiction which will automatically make them love you!

– The “˜reflection’ method to instantly make your prospects feel like they’ve known you forever!

– A stunning way to guarantee that your prospect never feels buyer’s remorse!

– The hidden method to make your prospect downright antsy to give you an avalanche of referrals!

– With the greatest of ease, how to covertly drop ideas into your prospect’s mind and have them think its their idea!

– Why you’ll be left in the dark if you’re caught on features/benefits and how to take the quantum leap to the new model of scientific persuasion!

– The darn near magical way to melt away your prospect’s resistance to what you’re selling!

– The new attitude of “˜no objection persuasion’ that will have you smashing sales records in no time flat!

– An ancient method of harnessing “˜intention’ power to guide your prospect to buying without them even knowing what is happening!

– Million dollar persuasion beliefs that will flip your current mindset upside down and simultaneously cause you to double your sales!

– The last persuasion model you’ll ever need!

– The eerily effective method to never being at a loss of words ever again!

– The “˜super excitement’ closing technique that leaves your prospects so hot and bothered to buy what you’re selling that they basically close you!

– A quick glimpse into my heavily guarded “˜idea vault’ where I’ll show you my killer modeling technique!

– The lost art of using language to push all your prospects hot buttons in order to get them salivating over what you’re selling! (Beware of this technique because it is so powerful; Use wisely!)

“¢ My controversial formula for whipping your customers into a literal buying frenzy! (Your customers become as hungry as sharks sensing blood in the water! This is one of the reasons you must agree to use the course ethically before we sell it to you!)

“¢ A hypnotic technique to force your prospect to forget all their objections and your competitors! (This technique is alarming in how powerful it is!)

“¢ The hypnotic language patterns I use in my sales copy that slaughters the industry standards! (They’re a snap to use when you understand how!)

“¢ How to kick the negative internal voice out of your mind forever! (It’ll never bother you again after this secret is revealed to you!)

“¢ The “˜mind orchestra’ technique to use your internal voice to flood your body with such overpowering emotion you are compelled to feel confident. (People will look to you as an authority and you’ll sell like crazy with this method!)

“¢ A covert way to install a “˜voice of authority’ in your prospect’s head so they obey all of your positive suggestions. (They treat your voice as the voice they trust and therefore buy from!)

“¢ My “killer persuasion questions” checklist that ignites your unstoppable persuasion power. (These questions will have you so fired up that people will wonder what’s gotten into you in a good way)

“¢ A subtle yet super effective technique to condition your prospect to rely on you for what to think next. (They stop thinking on their own and start counting on you for what to think next!)

“¢ The foolproof method to know when someone is lying to you. (Never be lied to again my friend; Never!)

“¢ How to read your customer like an open book and known when they are giving you “˜green light buying signals’ even before THEY consciously know. (False closes become a thing of the past; Eliminate time-wasting tire kickers who won’t buy anything today!)

“¢ The revolutionary way to use a customer’s own inner buying strategy so they automatically buy what you’re selling. (With this, they just can’t say no to you since they would violate their own beliefs even if they tried!)

“¢ An exclusive method on how to read your prospect’s thoughts from the movement of their eyes. (They’ll give away what they’re really thinking to you without even knowing it; The most surprising thing about this technique is how very simple it is!)

“¢ My personal “˜starry-eyed, fall-in-love-with-what-I’m-selling’ method of how to link all your prospects’ best feelings to what you’re selling. (Hint: When they feel good about what you’re selling, they buy!)

“¢ Common persuasion myths that may be holding you back from taking a quantum leap in your persuasion effectiveness and how to avoid them. (After you read these pitfalls, you’ll learn how to dodge these persuasion landmines forever onward!)

“¢ How to use “˜physical persuasion’ to immediately take charge of the interaction and get your customer to follow you. (Another gem from my hypnotic tool chest; This is the information your competitors don’t want you to find out about!)

“¢ An insider’s hypnotic method to creating hyper-suggestibility in your customer. (Anything you say will have 3 times more punch to it after you “˜loosen up’ your customer!)

“¢ The conversational way to get your prospect to imagine all the intense feelings of having what you’re selling so they naturally are compelled to buy right now. (Once feel the wonderful feelings of having what you’re selling, they’ll be hopping up and down to buy on the spot!)

“¢ A simple technique to push all of your prospect’s objections way into their past. (As soon as these objections shift to the past, they become a moot issue; They no longer care about their past objections!)

“¢ The special concept of “˜perceptual naming’ and how it can make or break your sale. (Get a handle on how you use certain words and discover the difference in your results!)

“¢ How to detect which of 3 languages your customer is really speaking and how to speak their language. (Stop having customers walk out on you because you’re just not clicking with them; I dare anyone to take this one secret and apply it and not have their sales sharply increase!)

“¢ A big-league way to creating mega-credibility using confessions, secrets, and “˜damaging admissions’. (Customers buy from whom they trust; They’ll instantly trust you when you use this technique!)

“¢ Why being like a parrot will open your customer and get them to divulge what they’re really thinking. (They won’t even know how much they are sharing but they’ll do it because it feels so good; Using this technique is like breaking the dam and letting their thoughts flood out!)

“¢ When to use the “˜psychic connection’ technique to “˜read your customer’s mind’. (This little known technique will create mind-blowing connections; Use this with caution!)

“¢ How to break rapport with your customer when the connection becomes too strong. (If you don’t learn this, you may have more new “˜best friends’ than you ever imagined as a result of the other powerful techniques in this course; You’ll need this gem of info to maintain the persuasion expert ““ customer relationship!)

“¢ My favorite method to bring your product/service to life and have it “˜walk out of the store’ with them. (The killer way to make your prospect love what you’re selling like a long lost lover!)

“¢ The “˜I-You’ shift that drops suggestions into your prospect’s mind easier than you ever thought possible. (The shocking ease of this technique will blow you away!)

“¢ How to immediately become an authority on any topic in 28 days or less. (The recognition and credibility that you command when using this technique is unsurpassed! Hint: It’s all about your language!)

“¢ When to use the “˜backdoor’ into your customer’s mind that lets you alter what they think about, without them even knowing you’ve been there! (You must use this technique for good or we won’t sell you the course!)

“¢ A proven method to make objections meaningless even before they come up! (It’ll surprise you how easy this is when you know the principle!)

“¢ The quickest way to become a “˜master storyteller’ that will have explode your ability to destroy objections and melt resistance like a white-hot flame melting an icicle! (Everyone loves a story; You’ll unconsciously now find yourself mesmerizing your prospects with your artful use of language!)

“¢ How to deal with the “˜pain-in-the-ass’ customers who contradict everything you say by secretly getting them to sell themselves! (Finally! Fight fire with fire my friend when you use their own techniques to get them to sell themselves! These thorns in your side can’t defend against this technique!)

“¢ How to turn your customer’s phrase “˜I don’t know’ into something concrete that you can work with. (This nasty customer trick designed to stop you cold will be forever defeated by using this simple method!)

“¢ What to do to harness the incredible power of “˜pseudo-logic’ and how to connect the dots in your customer’s mind so it’s perfectly logical that they buy what you’re selling! (One of my favorite topics; After you unlock this secret, you’ll have no trouble getting your prospect to justify their purchase from you for all their own “˜logical’ reasons!)

“¢ The foolproof method to change the meaning of something on the fly! (You’ll never say the wrong thing again! Even if you thought something came our wrong, you’ll have changed the meaning in the prospect’s mind before they even knew they might interpret things incorrectly!)

“¢ My personal, advanced “˜meaning-chaining’ method that steps your customer through their own buying process to arrive at the conclusion it’s time to buy from you now! (A great technique to pull out of the bag when going after overly analytical “˜computer’ types!)

“¢ The key ingredient to paying total outward attention to your customer that will enable you to “˜see’ what other top pros miss! (This technique is like putting on X-ray goggles to see right through your customer except its easier! Stop missing the “˜hidden’ clues of what you’re customer is really saying to you!)

“¢ What the 9 persuasion-killing words are and how to avoid them like the plague! (These words murder the persuasion process faster than anything! Don’t hate yourself for using them after you learn how to avoid them!)

“¢ The sneaky “˜thought binders’ technique that locks your customer’s mind onto you so they can’t stop thinking about what you’re selling! (Your customers will tell you later about how they mysteriously could not get you out of their minds until they bought what you’re selling!)

“¢ The proven method to having “˜ice in your veins’ even under mega-ton pressure! (Your competition will be shocked at your composure under the intense in-the-trenches pressure!)

“¢ How to make sure no matter what your customer says it always is “Yes”. (The “˜yes’ will roll off your customer’s tongue faster than you imagined and they’ll feel good in saying it; Meanwhile, you’ll just marvel at the results!)

“¢ When to use suggestive questions to secretly plant thoughts in your customer’s mind that will surface later as a resounding “˜YES’! (They don’t want me to teach this to you but I’m doing it anyway!)

“¢ The easy way to ask “˜transformational questions’ that will leave your customer scratching their heads at why they ever tried to disagree with you! (Folks, its about as easy as flipping a light switch to change a customer’s mind when you learn this fundamental skill!)

“¢ The technique they don’t want you to learn about that lets you persuade the customer with their own rules! (No one can say “˜no’ to this technique because it harnesses the power of the customer’s own rules! Even if you tried in vain to say “˜no’, you’d violate your belief system in doing so! And you always adhere to your belief system! Dangerously effective so it must be used with care! [Not for persuasion dabblers])

“¢ How to use a few spectacular language patterns derived from the world’s greatest hypnotist to catapult your customer off his duff and into the action of buying! (Watch in awe as your instantly customer breaks out their cold, hard cash to buy what you’re selling! I wonder if you’ll be more surprised at how easy you do this or the brilliant results you get!)

“¢ A remarkably effective method to create a “˜motivation detector’ in your mind so you automatically use the customer’s own motivation strategy to get them to step up and buy! (After you practice this a few times, you’ll do it like an old pro! The prospects won’t consciously understand why you’re so “˜motivating’ yet they’ll do what you suggest!)

“¢ 9 persuasion patterns to read your customer like an open book and speak their own language as if you’re their identical twin. (They’ll feel an undeniable connection to you but won’t know why; This uncanny sense of familiarity leads them to buy from you!)

“¢ My personal method to guarding against unwanted influence in your own lives. (This secret alone is worth the cost of the entire course! Stop unwanted thoughts from entering your mind!)

“¢ The exclusive “˜fast track’ way to jumpstart your persuasion skills and have you becoming a master persuader in 28 days or less. (Its easier than you think!)

“¢ Advanced application of your new persuasion skills to give your career, relationships, business, and marketing a well-deserved kick in the pants! (If the application of these skills doesn’t get your motor running, nothing will!)

“¢ A brutally honest look at what it takes to persuade effectively when you when you must “˜sell or starve’! (This is a report from the “˜front lines’! It’s a no-holds-barred look at what it REALLY takes!)

“¢ A deluxe crash course on the 7 Cialdini principles and how to make them work for you right now. (The theory gets thrown out the window as we practice the “˜rubber-meets-the-road’ get it done persuasion style that these principles allow!)

“¢ How to use straightforward questions to transform your customer from a mild-mannered person off the street to a whirling dervish of a buying machine. (These are not the common questions that you think; These gems have been handpicked by me and tested in the field to work real damn well!)

“¢ Why how you sound could be sabotaging your success (and killing sales) and how to correct it forever with a simple vocal exercise borrowed from voice therapy. (You’ll never shoot yourself in the foot when it comes to how you sound after going through this exercise; You’ll use your voice like the well-honed instrument it is; Bottom line = more sales!)

“¢ How to jolt your customers off of their auto-pilot responses of “˜just looking’ and interrupt their other conditioned responses! (Hint: Once you break up their auto-pilot program, you put in a new program that leads them to buy what you’re selling!)

“¢ Bonus info of how to become your boss’s most treasured asset through a breakthrough 13-minute hypnotic conversation! (I’ll walk you through this conversation and you’ll be amazed how your boss responds to you!)

“¢ Bonus info of how to ultimately fulfill your date, significant other, or spouse using a breakthrough 13-minute hypnotic conversation! (If everyone used this technique, the divorce rate would plummet!)

“¢ The Structure Of Values, Beliefs, And Attitudes And How They Either Limit Or Bolster Your Persuasive Power!

“¢ Million Dollar Persuasion Beliefs Of The World’s Greatest Persuaders! (Melt away limiting beliefs and install these new beliefs to virtually guarantee your success!)

“¢ The Myth Of “failure” That Disempowered People Try To Hoodwink You Into Believing!

“¢ Discover The “Take-No-Prisoners” Persuasion Attitude That Always Works!

“¢ My “Who’s Convincing Whom?” Soapbox Discussion That’ll Change The Way You Think About Persuasion Forever! (It’s not what you think. It’s much more!)

“¢ How To Use The As-If Frame To Dump Limiting Habits And Make Powerful, Positive Changes Almost Instantly!

“¢ The Exclusive (And Really Fun) Way To Push All Your Prospect’s Hot Buttons With Military-Like Precision!

“¢ My Tested-And-Proven Method For Whipping Yourself Into An Unstoppable Emotional State Even If Everything Else You’ve Tried Before Hasn’t Worked Or Has Been Plain Garbage!

“¢ How To “Pace And Lead” Whoever You Are Persuading To Rely On You For What To Think Next! (You Have To Use This Ethically Because It’s Too Powerful And Dangerous If This Technology Fell Into The Wrong Hands.)

“¢ Why Most “Persuaders” Are Dead Wrong About Their Persuasion Strategy And What The Real Truth Is! (The Answer Will Amaze You.)

“¢ How To Prevent Your Message From Being Ignored By Tapping Into The Power Of Unconscious Communication. (This Matters Bar-None Above All Else!)

“¢ The Lazy Man’s Way To Determine Someone’s True Motivation Direction And Then Leverage That To Get Them To Do Anything You Want Them To Do!

“¢ A Top Secret Method To Sort For What Interests Someone And “Package” Your Language To Make Whatever You Say Naturally Irresistible To Them!

“¢ How To Spot If A Person Decides “From The Inside” Or “From The Outside”! (Miss This And You’ll Blow It In Convincing The Person.)

“¢ The 2 Different “Task” Styles Of People And How You Have To Talk To Them.

“¢ My Foolproof Method For Eliminating Frustration With People Whose Knee-jerk Reaction Is To Always Say “NO” To You! (It’s Actually A Little-Known Secret To Use Their “no” Reflex To YOUR Advantage.)

“¢ The Hypnotically Powerful Way To Getting The Prospect To Literally Draw You A Map For How To Persuade Them! (They’ll Give Away Exactly What You Have To Do To Persuade Them And Feel Good In The Process!)

“¢ The “Focus Of Attention” Pattern That You Must Follow To Make Your Persuasion “Stick” With Who You’re Influencing!

“¢ Why You’ll Bore Some People To Tears And Be Selling Castles In The Sky To Others If You Ignore The “Chunk Size” Persuasive Pattern!

“¢ The 2 Different Ways For How To Persuade” Bottom-Line Oriented” People Vs. “Dreamers.”

“¢ The Beliefs About Nonverbal Behavior That Will Sink Your Battleship If You Don’t Realize How True They Are!

“¢ How To Read Someone Like An Open Book Even If They Are Trying To Hide Something From You! (Spot Liars, Know When People Agree With You, Etc.)

“¢ My Should-Be-Patented “Reflection” Method To Create Irresistible Rapport With Anyone And Have Them Sitting In The Palm Of Your Hand!

“¢ How To Hypnotically Create Mind “Triggers” To Invoke Any Emotion In The Other Person As Easy As Pushing A Button! (The Most Surprising Thing Is How Easy This Is And How It Already Happens All The Time Accidentally.)

“¢ The Raw Truth About Physical Influence And The Direct Pipeline To One’s Mind!

“¢ The Tried-And-True Technique For Cranking Up The Pressure Covertly To Nudge The Person Into Action!

“¢ How To Have The “Steely Gaze Of Confidence” That Always Works To Establish Authority!

“¢ You’ll Find Out How To Move With Authority. (You’ll Turn Heads As People Wonder Whether You Are Royalty By The Way You Move!)

“¢ A Master Hypnotist’s Strategy To Creating Ultra-Suggestibility In Your Prospect So They Always Follow You!

“¢ How To Match Someone Word-For-Word So They Feel Like You’re There Long Lost Soul Mate!

“¢ The Method To Verbally Condition Your Prospect To Follow You Without Question!

“¢ How To Distort Your Listener’s Sense Of Time So They Feel Like They’ve Known You Their Whole Life!

“¢ Top Secret Methods To Plant Emotional “Timed-Release” Suggestions So Your Prospect Feels Wonderful On Cue!

“¢ Why The Exact Words You Use In Persuading Can Make The Difference Between Yes And No!

“¢ The Lazy Man’s Way To Speaking The Language Of Your Customer, Client, Or Listener To The Point Where They Feel Like They’re Talking To A Spitting Image Of Themselves!

“¢ Why “Telling Secrets” Can Disarm Your Listener And Cause Them To Open Up And Tell You Everything You Need To Know To Persuade Them!

“¢ A Hypnotically Powerful Conversational Technique To Deepen Any Connection That I Learned From A Parrot!

“¢ An Easy Strategy To Bring Whatever You’re Selling To Life And Irresistibly Tug At The Heartstrings Of Your Prospect Until They Buy!

“¢ The “Hypnotists-Only” I-You Language Pattern To Ethically And Covertly Implant Suggestions!

“¢ The Undetectable Power Of Presuppositions To Steer Your Listener’s Mind Down Any Path You Want!

“¢ How To Be “Cool Cat” Smooth As You Persuade Effortlessly. (You’ll be talking so naturally people will believe your persuasive language is the way you’ve always spoken!)

“¢ My Undeniably Great (Am I shameless or what?) Way To Hypnotically Knock Out The Objections Of People Who Always Want To Say “NO” To Everything You Say!

“¢ How To Deliver “Ugly Messages” To Your Listener And How To Sandwich Arm-Twisting Persuasion Statements Inside The Sneaky “Quotes” Pattern!

“¢ How To Blow Up Objections By Taking Them Out Of Context In A Fun, Humorous Way That Your Listeners Love To Hear! (Welcome To The Breathtaking Power Of Analogies!)

“¢ Magic Persuasion Words That’ll Cram 437% More Persuasive Power Into Every Statement You Make!

“¢ How To Program Such Doubt Into Your Listener That They’ll Doubt All Their Reasons For Not Saying “YES” To You! (If you’ve ever wanted to find out how to install knee-knocking doubt in another human, here’s your one shot!)

“¢ The Tested-And-Proven Way To Bastardize Reason And Logic In Your Customers’ Minds For Your Own Persuasion Use! (This Method Would Have The Hypnotist Who Invented This Technique For “Therapeutic Use Only” Rolling Over In His Grave If He Only Knew!)

“¢ Why You Have To Avoid These 10 Persuasion-Killing Words Or Else Your Persuasive Attempt Will Be Dead On Arrival!

“¢ How To Use Thought Binders To Lock Your Customer Into Whatever “Train Of Thought” You Select! (Lock their thoughts onto whatever you choose and they won’t be able to stop thinking about what it is until they’ve said yes to you, bought, or taken the action you chose!)

“¢ The Master Persuader’s Way To Crafting Questions And Statements So No Matter What The Person Says It Is YES!

“¢ How To Implant Hypnotic Suggestions Through The Innocent Use Of Questions!

“¢ From My Hypnotist’s Toolkit ““ How To Fire In Covert Suggestions To Your Prospect’s Mind That Always Works And Whips Him Into An Emotional Frenzy! (The world of “conversational commands” is as good as you can imagine. I’ll take you there on the call.)

“¢ My Step-By-Step Technique To Persuade Someone From Their Core Level Values That Makes It Impossible By Definition For Them To Resist What You’re Suggesting! (This technique alone is worth twice the price of the teleseminar. And it’s too powerful to be taught to “civilians” who’ll abuse it. It’s one of the reasons why you must agree not to leak any of these secrets to the “untrained masses” before I share with you the technique.)

“¢ How To Capture The Prospect’s Future Emotions To Feed Them Their Dreams Today And Make The Sale!

“¢ My Battle-Tested, Street-Savvy Strategy To Knock Out Objections One-By-One Without Batting An Eye!

“¢ How To Defend Against Unwanted Influence Guaranteed!

“¢ How To Detect Hypnotic Persuasion Tactics Being Used On You!

“¢ The Lazy Man’s Way To Developing Massive Persuasive Power Using These Skills!

“¢ 7 Common Situations When These Skills Can Make-Or-Break You And How To Be An Unstoppable Persuasion Powerhouse When You Need Them!

“¢ I’ll Advise You Personally For Any Persuasion Situation You Might Find Yourself In!

“¢ How To Talk Your Way Out Of A Jam As If There Was Ice Water Running Through Your Veins! (Staying cool under pressure is a big-league advantage. You’ll look back on this teleseminar and be glad you have this skill.)

“¢ Tailor-made Persuasion Advice From The Instructors That Gets You Results For Your Particular Situation!”


The price of The Ultimate Persuasion Seminar is: $997 until May 1.

The price will go up to $1297 after first May.

You can bring a friend for half price and will have to pay only $498 for the second person.

There is also a provision to pay the fee in two instalments.


The Ultimate Persuasion Seminar comes with three bonuses.

– a free copy of last years DVD – valued at $395.00.

– a free copy of Kent Sayre’s Ultimate Persuasion Formula – valued at $195.00.

– a free copy of David Barron’s Power Persuasion Course – valued at $227.77.


For more information on The Ultimate Persuasion Seminar, click here.





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