InfoSearch Media has upgraded ContentLogic 2.0. It now offers real-time marketing analytics as an add-on to ContentLogic 2.0.

InfoSearch Media has upgraded ContentLogic 2.0. It now offers real-time marketing analytics as an add-on to ContentLogic 2.0.

Customers can now track results and measure ROI from their website content. The upgraded ContentLogic provides users with analysis of website traffic, visitor behavior, ecommerce activity, search terms and search engine ranking.

David Averill, general manager of ContentLogic, said: “Our customers are savvy, small to mid-size businesses who understand that the quality of their Web site content must be recognized, not only by the search engines, but by their customers as well.

By integrating real-time analytics into ContentLogic 2.0, we are able to offer our customers a more precise means of tracking results and measuring their ROI once traffic is delivered to their site from a search engine.” [Source]

ContentLogic 2.0 can handle both enterprise-level and small-business marketing campaigns.

For more information on ContentLogic, click here.





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