Read Ann Rusnak’s article on “5 Steps to Simplify and Explode your Marketing Efforts”.

Ann Rusnak’s article is reprinted here:

5 Steps to Simplify and Explode your Marketing Efforts

The marketing dilemma of many solo-preneurs is their product/service meets the needs for many different markets. This results in marketing at too many different target groups. This spreads our marketing time, resources, and money way too thin. The fear of missing a sale keeps us marketing in this mode.

Last year, my friend Karen found herself in this predicament. She developed five different marketing messages. Each message directed toward a different target market. Karen ran into the problem of figuring out which message to use when talking about her business.

This left potential clients confused about what she did. It also made it hard for anyone to refer business to her. Karen continued struggling to get her business off the ground. Trying to be everything to everybody left her frustrated and drained.

I too experienced the same problem when I began my business. Over lunch, I shared that narrowing my target market was how my business grew fast. Getting small and specialized is the secret. I then gave her some resources and strategies I used.

Today, you can hear the excitement and enthusiasm in her voice. Her business is exploding. She receives referrals, speaking engagements, and just got invited to speak on a radio program. She can’t believe what a difference niche marketing made.

By concentrating on a smaller marketing segment, her marketing effort and cost became more effective. She finally created the content for her web site, program topics for her speaking engagements, and workshops for her programs, etc. If you still try to market to everybody, use these 5 Steps to Simplify and Explode your Marketing Efforts:

1. Create a list of problems your business solves

2. What is the ultimate outcome of using your services/products? (hint: 30 second commercial)

3. Who experiences these problems and will pay for the ultimate outcome?

4. From the above list, identify the marketing segment you want to work with first.

5. Write out a detailed description of your ideal customer from that group.

Block out time to work on your marketing message. Ask your current customers why they choose you. Brainstorm with several people to help you create your problem list. Ask them to define what you do. If they can’t, ask for their input on how to help you explain it. Robert Middleton offers a wonderful FR~EE resource to assist you. You’ll find this fr~ee 24 page Marketing Plan Workbook very helpful. Simply click on the following link:

Ann Rusnak, “The Time Diva” developed a system to show busy self employed people and business owners how to achieve success with less effort and time. Receive her free Time Package and find more additional articles at:

*IMNewswatch would like to thank AnnRusnak for granting permission to reprint this article.





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