BlueLithium has launched AdPath 2.0. AdPath 2.0 is a behavioral targeting solution for advertisers and publishers in BlueLithium’s ad network.

BlueLithium has launched AdPath 2.0. AdPath 2.0 is a behavioral targeting solution for advertisers and publishers in BlueLithium’s ad network.

AdPath for Publishers aims at offering a secure solution for sites with sold out inventory and aims to increase their revenue without adding staff or infrastructure. AdPath for Publishers creates an extended audience by tracking a publisher’s readership as and when they visit websites on the internet.

AdPath for Advertisers offers Audience Targeting and Remarketing to advertisers in its network. AdPath Audience Targeting allows advertisers to find consumers who are interested in the subjects addressed by their product or service. AdPath aims at increasing the advertiser’s response rates by avoiding high CPM rates of websites and the congestion associated with contextual targeting.

AdPath Remarketing targets visitors to the advertiser’s website when they are on the BlueLitium network. It retargets them to the advertiser’s site for up-sell and cross-sell opportunities, or to complete a purchase. AdPath Remarketing combines remarketing with other forms of targeting, including geographical and contextual, multiple conditioning, and Insight Reports.

Insight Reports provides an analysis of the visitors to an advertiser’s website.

For more information on AdPath 2.0, click here.





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