Bluestreak Launches ‘IonMX 2.0’
Bluestreak has launched “˜IonMX 2.0′, an email and messaging Platform to provide expanded messaging capabilities across SMS and RSS feeds.
Bluestreak has launched “˜IonMX 2.0′, an email and messaging Platform to provide expanded messaging capabilities across SMS and RSS feeds.
Doug Anderson, President of Bluestreak, said: “We’re especially pleased to be among the first to extend our email marketing capabilities to emerging channels like SMS and RSS to remain on the cutting edge of digital marketing innovation for our clients”. [source]
Key Features of “˜IonMX 2.0′ Include:
“¢ Enhanced segmentation of customers based on preferences, geo-targeting, and purchasing trends
“¢ Conditional content blocks to generate the most targeted landing pages
“¢ A premium content checker to determine an email’s deliverability past anti-spam filters
“¢ Asian and European language options
“¢ Real Time data transfer through open standards Web Services API
“¢ Automated open and link tracking to replace a traditionally manual process
“¢ Pre-designed reports with more graphics, charts and tabs, as well as the ability to customize reports
“¢ Plain English reasons listed on bounce processing reports
For more information on IonMX 2.0, click here.
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