Jeanette Cates is offering a one-day special discount on her ‘Shopping Cart QuickStart’, a product that teaches how to use all the features of the shopping cart. The offer is valid only for May 1.

Jeanette Cates is offering a one-day special discount on her Shopping Cart QuickStart, a product that teaches how to use all the features of the shopping cart. The offer is valid only for May 1.

The Shopping Cart QuickStart announcement page title is:

“Maximize your Income & Minimize your Work” with a tool you’re already paying for!”

Learnings from the Product

Cates has listed the learnings from her Shopping Cart QuickStart. They Include:

“how to set up your cart and start selling your first product in 30 minutes – or less

– how to create a custom list from your existing contacts, saving you the time to retype or sort through the list

– how to segment your list so that you can market to them more effectively

– how to set up an email course that puts money in your pocket, month after month

– how to process orders while you’re on the telephone – without having a credit card processor in your office

– how to start billing someone monthly – without having to re-enter all of the information

– how to establish an effective affiliate program – so others can help you sell

– how to upload your existing mailing list so you don’t have to retype a thing

– how to set up an ezine-in-a-box – so you can leave town for a month and not worry”

Cates product includes a 50+ page manual, updated screenshots to match the current user interface, a clickable table of contents, and frequently asked questions.

According to Cates you will learn how to:

* “customize your cart so it looks like your website
* handle a cart designed for multiple sites
* track your clients with autoresponders
* search for clients 7 different ways
* set up an autoresponder series to follow up the sale
* use an autoresponder as a free mini course – for free or for fee
* take advantage of some of the newly released features”


The price of Shopping Cart QuickStart is $39.95 for those who order now.

Those who buy Cates’ product will also get an invitation to her next teleseminar on the Shopping Cart Quickstart for free.


To go to Shopping Cart QuickStart click here.





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