Dan Lok’s latest blog post is titled “Live Life Entirely On Your Own Terms”. Lok discusses how to have more freedom to choose what we want to do by creating a stable, profitable enterprise.

Dan Lok’s latest blog post is titled “Live Life Entirely On Your Own Terms”. Lok discusses how to have more freedom to choose what we want to do by creating a stable, profitable enterprise.

Lok writes on his blog: “I am very fortunate… I am at a point of my life where I live life entirely on my own terms.

I can conduct business the way I want to conduct business. I can say no to any deal or projects I want or don’t want and I am free to work with whomever I want to work with because I don’t need anybody’s money”. [source]

Lok’s suggestion is to create a profitable enterprise and be free to choose what you want to do.

To go to “Dan Lok’s Blog – Random Ramblings of a Marketing Maniac”, click here.





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